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Please find below a list of our uniform requirements. 

To order the compulsory items online with our school logo, please click here to visit the Mapac website.

School Uniform Details

Pupils are expected to wear the following uniform:

  • Red V-Neck sweatshirt or cardigan (with the school logo, available from Mapac)
  • White polo shirt (with or without the school logo)
  • Mid-grey/charcoal trousers, culottes, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress
  • Red checked dress/culottes
  • White/grey/black socks
  • White/grey/black/red tights
  • Suitable, smart black shoes
  • Practical outdoor coat, suitable for all weathers

Pupils are expected to wear the following PE Kit:

  • T-Shirt in School House colour (available from Mapac)
  • Plain black shorts
  • Plain black tracksuit
  • Suitable, black trainers/plimsolls

Pupils may wear plain black skins for PE.

The school ask that all uniform is clearly named.

Families will be notified when circumstances dictate these expectations to differ, such as: non-uniform days, residential/over-night trips and events where more particular/specific clothing is required (such as sporting events or outdoor learning).



All long hair must be tied back so that it is not distracting for pupils.

The school does not permit children to have extreme hair styles, such as unnatural colours or impractical, distracting accessories.



The wearing of make-up and nail varnish is not permitted.



On health and safety grounds we do not allow children to wear jewellery in our school. The exceptions to this rule are ear-ring studs in pierced ears and a watch.

If stud ear-rings are worn, they must be removed or covered with micropore tape for PE.

If a smart-watch is worn, all communicative and media functions must be disabled.